Archive for March, 2011

Family Business

In our last post we looked at some dialogue about a stranger who comes into a store and talks to the manager about being there to do family business. The words had meaning only if we supplied the story behind it. Of all the possible scenarios, two options were that the stranger was either the […]

What’s Going on Here?

Store manager: What are you doing here? Stranger: Why do you need to know? Store manager: I’m making it my business to ask, why are you here? What are you going to do before your leave? Stranger: I’m here to do my father’s business. Store manager: Who’s your father? Stranger: You’ll know before I leave. […]

Father, Son, and Family

From Moses to Jesus, the Bible tells the story of a Creator who eventually reveals himself in the Son who wants us to know his Father, and a Father who wants us to know his Son. The Son tells us that, at heart, he is just like his Father; that his Father is just like […]

Hearing Test

Here’s one to tell on ourselves… wherever we are. It’s an old one. But gave me a needed smile. In his first session with a marriage counselor, the guy says, “Doc, it’s gotten so bad she doesn’t even listen to me any more. I think she’s deaf or something. But she won’t do anything about […]

Whether “Love Wins”… or not

After reading Rob Bell’s latest book, “Love Wins”… I remain convinced that God will make heaven as good as it can be… and hell as bad as it needs to be. We have every reason to trust whatever Jesus said and meant about the real danger of hellish loss in this life, and the judgment […]

Who’s Blind Now?

For an interesting conversation, read again the 9th chapter of John’s Gospel. It has so many good lines about a blind beggar who can’t see until Jesus heals him, and two groups of people whose sight isn’t nearly as good as they think it is. The chapter starts with Jesus’ disciples asking a question about […]

Thoughts on the Why Question

On waking this morning, my mind went to those in Libya, Japan, and countless other places where people have spent the last ours either without sleep, or with a growing sense of fear and even panic. When I checked the international news, I found conflicting reports on wind directions, radiation levels and actual conditions in […]

The Roll of the Dice

Let’s take a second look at the two proverbs we took off from in our last post. I asked whether it is biblical to settle an argument by drawing straws, flipping a coin, or rolling the dice after referring to: “We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall (Prov 16:33 NLT). […]

Who or What is More Biblical?

Proverbs 18:18 says, “Casting lots can end arguments and settle disputes between powerful opponents.” Another proverb says, “We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall (Prov 16:33 NLT). So is it biblical to settle an argument by drawing straws, flipping a coin, or rolling the dice? And…why is it that few […]

Counsel of the Columns

The counsel of the Bible can sound contrary to all reason—and against our best interests—while showing us the meaning of wisdom. For instance, the Apostle James says something that could sound more like mental illness than spiritual health.  He encourages his readers to “count it all joy when they fall into various kinds of trials […]

Rumors on Steroids

A few days ago, online communities lit up with pre-publication rumors about a book that is coming out by Rob Bell on the subject of heaven, hell, and the destiny of all. Overnight, a video teaser, and cover copy released by his publisher stirred up enough furor (over what Rob might say) to earn his […]

The Riddles of Sirhan and Judas

An ABC news site says today that lawyers for Sirhan Sirhan, the convicted killer of Robert Kennedy, will present new evidence at a parole hearing that Sirhan did not act alone and was hypnotized to commit an act that he now cannot remember.  They will also argue that ten independent witnesses all say that Sirhan […]

Beating Ourselves Up

Why do we punish ourselves for old regrets long after we believe God has forgiven us? The question stuck in my mind after a conversation with someone I’ll call TC. TC described himself as being in recovery for multiple addictions. A couple of times he said, “My problem was forgiving myself. I found it a […]

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